Sulaiman Aziz Offensive Security

Security Engineer | Offensive Security | Sr. Penetration Tester | Cyber Security | Sr. Bug Hunter | Aerospace Penetration Tester | Ex Telkomsel | Ex DBS | Ex SpaceX

My PEN : Bounty

Cyber Introduction

BYT3N33DL3 Intro

Penetration Testing Specialist | Offensive Security | Ex Black Hat | Ex (APT28) Espionage.

Security Certifications

Defensive Security
CCSA., CDSA., OSDA., CISO., CISAv2., CISM., CRISC., Cybersecurity Foundation., SIT., MAST., CSE., CISSP., CISSM.

Offensive Security

Certificate 1
Certificate 2
Certificate 3
Certificate 4
Certificate 5
Certificate 6
Certificate 7
Certificate 8
Certificate 9
Certificate 10
Certificate 11
Certificate 12
Certificate 13
Certificate 14
Certificate 15
Certificate 16
Certificate 17
Certificate 18
Certificate 19
Certificate 20
Certificate 21
Certificate 22
Certificate 23
Certificate 24
Certificate 25
Certificate 26
Certificate 27
Certificate 28
Certificate 29
Certificate 30
Certificate 31
Certificate 32
Certificate 33
Certificate 34
Certificate 35
Certificate 36
Certificate 37
Certificate 38
Certificate 39
Certificate 40
Certificate 41
Certificate 42
Certificate 43
Certificate 44
Certificate 45
Certificate 46
Certificate 47
Certificate 48
Certificate 49

Recognize By

  1. INE Security
  2. Offensive Security
  3. InfoSec Institute
  4. Cisco
  5. National Security Agency
  6. BlackHat
  7. UMD
  8. ITCerts
  9. Zero Point Security
  10. IAPP
  11. USYD
  12. Stanford University
  13. Pentester Academy
  14. GAQM
  15. ISACA
  16. MIT
  17. AWS Certification
  18. CREST
  19. TCM Security
  20. RedTeam
  21. SUNY
  22. HKUST
  23. IT Governance
  24. EC-Council
  25. HackTheBox
  26. Altered Security
  27. TryHackMe
  28. ISC2
  29. SANS
  30. Axelos
  31. CompTIA
  32. GIAC
agency elevation

Senior SOC Analyst

Knowledge Domains in Defensive Security Team

  1. SOC Processes & Methodologies
  2. SIEM Operations (ELK/Splunk)
  3. Tactical Analytics
  4. Advanced Log Analysis
  5. Large Code base Debugging
  6. Parameter Logic Bugs
  7. Honeypot Development
  8. Senior Threat Hunting
  9. Active Directory Attack Analysis
  10. Network Traffic Analysis (IDS/IPS)
  11. Senior Malware Analysis
  12. Secure Coding 101 : JavaScript
  13. Web Traffic Analysis
  14. Defending HTTP
  15. Threat Analysis
  16. Kernel and Software Language
  17. Senior Coding 909 : Python
  18. Senior Forensics Analysts
  19. Binary Analysis 909 : C++
  20. Risk Management
  21. YARA, Sigma, & Haskell for SOC
  22. CrowdStrike Operations
  23. Active Attacks Analysis
  24. End Points Analytics
  25. Reverse Engineering
  26. DFIR Operations
portfolio template

Senior SIEM Engineer Specialist

Knowledge Domains in Defensive II Security Team

  1. Cloud Traffic Analysis
  2. Backdoor Analysis
  3. Advanced Cloud Protector
  4. Monitor Security Alerts
  5. Software Analysis 909 : C
  6. Configure SIEM Rules
  7. YARA and Sigma Deobfuscator
  8. Log Management (ELK)
  9. Incident Response
  10. Defensive Coding 909 : Java
  11. Integrate Data Sources
  12. Azure Administator 101
  13. Tuning False Positives
  14. Threat Detection
  15. Ransomware Analysis
  16. Security Audits
  17. Maintain SIEM Health
  18. JavaScript Deobfuscation
  19. Threat Integration Analysis
  20. Support Investigations
  21. Automate Alerts
  22. System Upgrades
portfolio template

Senior Penetration Tester Specialist

Knowledge Domains in Offensive Security Team

  1. Penetration Testing processes
  2. Information Gathering & Recon
  3. Machine Privilege Escalation
  4. Automated Exploitation MacOS
  5. Corporate Security Bypass
  6. Cameras and Public Access attack
  7. Senior Rubber Ducky Attacks
  8. Advance Digispark Execution
  9. Pivoting & Lateral Movement
  10. Post Exploitation enumeration
  11. Windows & Linux Privilege escalation
  12. Vulnerability & Risk reporting
  13. Advanced Black box PenTesting
  14. Bluetooth & Wireless Hijacking
  15. White box Penetration Testing
  16. Large Code base Security reviews
  17. Web Exploit Development
  18. Advanced Injections in Web
  19. Attacking advanced Authentication
  20. Attacking HTTP & HTTPs requests
  21. RFID & RF Engineering
  22. Professional NoSQL Injections
  23. Network Bypass & Attacks
  24. Performing blind Web Attacks
  25. Social Engineering Attacks
  26. Bypassing Advanced Security filters
  27. Advanced Deserialization Attacks
  28. Using modern Web Exploitation
  29. iOS and Android Attacks
  30. HTTP & HTTPs Web Attacks
  31. Master Injection Attacks
  32. Advanced Malware Development
  33. Senior Kerberos Attacks
  34. Advanced LDAP Abuser
  35. Server & Kernel Attacks
  36. Advanced Blockchain PenTesting
  37. Corporate Osint & Recon
  38. Advanced Backdoor Attacks
  39. Attacking Active Directory
  40. Windows and Linux Attacks
  41. Senior AS-REP Roasting
  42. MacOS Exploit Development
  43. Windows Automated Exploitation
  44. iCloud Sessions Attacks
  45. Authentications Hijacking
  46. Senior Mobile App Abuser
  47. Advanced Sessions Hijacking
  48. Password & Credential Attacks
  49. Advanced XSS and CSRF Attacks
  50. Lateral Movement Operator
  51. Active Directory BloodHound
  52. Senior ADCS Attacks
  53. Domain Listing & Attacks
  54. Advanced NTLM Relay Attacks
  55. API Poisoning & Attacks
  56. Senior Trust Attacks
  57. OSX & Linux Buffer Overflows
  58. Proxychains Supply & Attacks
  59. Binary Fuzzing & Attacks
  60. Senior Bug Bounty Hunter
  61. Networks Poisoning & Attacks
  62. Professional Azure & AD Attacks
  63. Credentials & Password Abuser
  64. Web application Dynamic analysis
  65. Senior Cloud Service Attacks
  66. API Vulnerability Identification
  67. Manual and Automated Exploitation
  68. Advanced Spyware Development
  69. Corporate Network Attacks
  70. Advanced iOS Sandbox Attacks
  71. Advanced MacOS Kernel Attacks
  72. Senior Azure and AD Mapping
  73. Security & Authorization Attacks
contribute dev

Misconfigurations Hunter Specialist

Knowledge Domains in Offensive II Security Team

  1. Exploiting ID Misconfigurations
  2. Local Privilege Escalation
  3. Dump Gallery Attacks
  4. Cache Memory Attacks
  5. Windows Trust Attacks
  6. Data Habit Analysis
  7. Compromising Android Security
  8. Kerberos Attacks 909 : Rubeus
  9. Traversal Cache Misconfig
  10. MacOS Control Bypasses
  11. HTTP Attacks
  12. Abusing OSX Misconfiguration
  13. Game Reverse Engineering
  14. C2 Operations (Sliver)
  15. File Upload Attacks
contribute dev

Senior Machine and Program Penetration

Knowledge Domains in Offensive III Security Team

  1. Compromising Application
  2. Trust Attacks 101 : HDMI
  3. Senior Bind Shell Execution
  4. Network Cache Poisoning
  5. Machine Application Attacks
  6. Junior Satellite Penetration Testing
  7. Senior Router Exploitation
  8. Corporate Reconnaissance
  9. Web 3.0 and Blockchain Attacks
  10. Disk Converter
  11. Cable and Disk Trust Attacks
  12. Web Traversal Identification
  13. Abusing Electric Application
  14. Flipper Zero Execution (RFID)
  15. Signal Attack 909 : Jammer
  16. Corporate ID Key Penetration Test
  17. Senior Common Panel Execution
  18. Shell on Machine 909 : C++
contribute dev

Senior Delegation 909 : Credentials Attacks

Knowledge Domains in Offensive IV Security Team

  1. Blind ID Attacks
  2. MSSQL Injection Attacks
  3. Vulnerabilities Scan : thc-Nuclei
  4. Web Hijacking : JavaScript
  5. Brute Forcer
  6. Satellite Penetration Tester
  7. Password and Credential Hunter
  8. Senior Cookie Hijacking
  9. Senior XPath Attacks
  10. Cracking SSH 909 : thc-Hydra
  11. Advanced John the Ripper
  12. Hash Flipper Professional
  13. Credential Stuffing
  14. Reading Blind Page 101
  15. NTLM Hash Spraying
  16. Spraying Kerberos Attacks
  17. Local ID Spraying
  18. Command Injections Spraying
  19. Blind SQL Injections
  20. Web Proxy Attacks
  21. Penetrate Cloud ID 909 : Azure
contribute dev

Senior Cyber Operator : Offensive Attacks

Knowledge Domains in Offensive V Security Team

  1. Security Enumeration
  2. Machine Learning Recon
  3. Redbot Security
  4. Data Synopsys
  5. Aerospace Reconnaissance
  6. Security CyberArk
  7. Performing NetHunter
  8. Red Team 101 : TOR
  9. Senior Exfiltration
  10. Gadget Stock 909 : USB
  11. Defense Evasion
  12. Analyzing Defender
  13. Group Sandbox Attacks : Linux
  14. Group Lateral Movement
  15. Command and Control
  16. Senior Red Team Operator
  17. Time Execution
  18. Anti Virus Enumeration
  19. Networks Engineering
  20. DDOS
  21. Port Scan and Attacks
  22. Senior Signed Binary
  23. Social Engineering Portal
  24. Control and Bypasses
  25. Bypassing Security Filters
  26. Offensive Encryption Attacks
  27. Bypassing with BGInfo
  28. Advanced Toolset Preparation
  29. Target Reconnaissance
  30. Advanced Time Management
  31. Networks and Cloud Mapping
  32. Senior Team Execution
contribute dev

Intermediate Testing Offensive Operations

Knowledge Domains in Offensive VI Security Team

  1. Compromising Corporate Service
  2. Compromising Environment WIFI
  3. Attacking Corporate Networks
  4. Businesses Lateral Movements
  5. Environments Hijacking
  6. Senior SSRF Attacks
  7. Active Directory LDAP
  8. Performing Corporate Recon
  9. Businesses Chain Attacks
  10. Data Services Execution
  11. Senior BloodHound
  12. Credentials Stuffing Expert
  13. Corporate Password Spraying
  14. Businesses Privilege Escalation
  15. Server Template Attacks
  16. Advanced Domain Control Exec
  17. Public Service Hijacking
  18. Corporate Directory BloodHound
  19. Corporate Kerberos Attacks
  20. Modern Password Spraying
  21. Government Port Forwarding
  22. IDS and IPS Attacks
  23. Attack Path Management
portfolio template

Offensive Breaching Organization Expert

Knowledge Domains in Offensive VII Security Team

  1. Data Enumeration
  2. Post Enumeration Breach
  3. Password Breaching
  4. Breaching High Organizations
  5. Confidentials Attacks
  6. URL interpretation Attacks
  7. Impersonation Specialist
  8. Credential reuse
  9. Password Privilege Escalation
  10. Page Brute Forcer
  11. Third-party data Breach
  12. Enterprise Pivoting
  13. Cryptojacking
  14. Session in-the Middle
  15. Advanced Persistent Threats
  16. Cookie Privilege Escalation
  17. Networks Vomit
  18. Whaling Engineering
  19. Pending Session Hijacking
portfolio template

Advanced Security Protocol Bypasser

Knowledge Domains in Offensive VIII Security Team

  1. Authentication Web Bypass
  2. Platform Filters Bypasser
  3. Security Authorization Bypass
  4. API and Tokens Bypassing
  5. Network Traffic Bypasser
  6. Physical Security Bypasser
  7. Password Authentication Bypass
  8. Kerberos Attacks and Bypass
  9. Windows Login Bypasser
  10. Cloud Service Bypassing 909
  11. Disk Password Bypasser
  12. Session Security Bypass
  13. iOS Sandbox Integration Bypass
  14. iOS SSL Attacks and Bypass
  15. Active Directory LDAP Bypass
  16. iTunes Security Bypass
  17. MacOS Kernel Security Bypass
  18. History Password Bypasser
  19. Cloud Azure Filter Bypasses
  20. Kerberos TGS Key Attacks
  21. TCC and XPC Attacks
  22. Bluetooth Filter Bypasses
  23. Android Filter Bypass
  24. Android Anti-Virus Bypasser
  25. Content Policy and CSP Bypasser
  26. Advanced Remote Access
  27. Socket Bypasses 909 : Software
  28. URL and ID Socket Bypass
  29. Socket Layer Bypassing
  30. Firmware Integration Bypass
  31. Kernel Socket Bypass
  32. Windows Defender Bypass
portfolio template

Active Directory Penetration Expert

Knowledge Domains in Offensive IX Security Team

  1. Advanced AD Enumeration
  2. Advanced Windows Attacks
  3. Abusing AD Protocols
  4. BloodHound Enterprise
  5. Abusing AD Trusts
  6. Using SharkMapExec
  7. Abusing AD Misconfigurations
  8. Abusing Directory Components
  9. Kerberos Attacks Professional
  10. C2 Operations 909 : Sliver
  11. Windows Evasion Expert
  12. Mapping with BlackMarlinExec
  13. Pivoting and Lateral Movement
  14. Advanced Post-Exploitation
portfolio template

Advanced Physical Cyber 909 : Execution

Knowledge Domains in Offensive X Security Team

  1. Kali Net Hunter
  2. Nodemcu ESP
  3. Nitro and Thinkpad 909
  4. Raspberry Pi
  5. Alfa AWUS
  6. Kismet and Ettercap
  7. LAN Turtle
  8. Bash Bunny
  9. O.MG Cable Distro
  10. HDMI Turtle Execution
  11. Flipper Zero
  12. Signal and Map Jammer
  13. ESP32
  14. Proxy Jammer
  15. Zigbae
  16. Kali Distro
  17. HackRF
  18. WIFI Coconut
  19. WIFI Pineapple Enterprise
  20. Digispark
  21. BadUSB : RubberDuck
  22. Shark Jack
portfolio template

Offensive Toolkit

React Graph Ql Accessibility Shell Ghidra Nmap Git CSS CSharp Netexec

Cyber Guardian Elite

Graph Ql Nmap Netcat

Hands on Experiences

  1. Telkomsel Enterprise Designer in Social Marketing Department.
    Rich Harris

    Telkomsel Enterprise

    Design Social Marketing

  2. Design in Marketing research and Branding role.
    Andrew Mead

    Telkomsel Enterprise

    Marketing and Branding

  3. Telkomsel Cybersecurity Specialist and Cybersecurity Engineer.
    Andrew Mead


    Security Engineer

  4. Senior Security Engineer.
    Adam Argalye

    Telkomsel Orbit

    Senior Security Engineer

  5. Cybersecurity analyst and Security Consultant.
    Val Head


    Cybersecurity Consultant

  6. Product and Project Manager. Focused on Mobile Application and WebApp Development.
    Adam Argalye


    Product and Project Manager

  7. Senior Cybersecurity Engineer and Assessor.
    Adam Argalye


    Senior Cybersecurity Engineer

  8. Cybersecurity Specialist for Singtel.
    Adam Argalye

    Singtel Enterprise

    Security Specialist

  9. Security (Software) Engineer.
    Val Head


    Security Engineer

  10. Graphic Design Specialist and Digital Marketing
    Val Head


    Graphic Designer

  11. My experience as Offensive Security Operator.
    Val Head


    Security Operator

  12. Senior Offensive Engineer. Mostly Security Tester.
    Val Head

    Zenex Technology

    Senior Offensive Security Engineer

  13. Strategic Marketing and Communications Division and Researcher.
    Val Head


    Strategic Marketing Communications and Researcher

  14. Part of Microsoft Azure AI Artificial intelligence System and Resource Engineer.
    Val Head

    Microsoft Azure AI


  15. -
    Val Head



My Footprint

  1. Telkomsel Enterprise Designer in Social Marketing Department. Designing for some Campaign.
    Rich Harris

    Telkomsel Enterprise

    Design Social Marketing

  2. Design in Marketing research and Branding role.
    Andrew Mead

    Telkomsel Enterprise

    Marketing and Branding

  3. Senior Security Engineer and Security Record Analyst.
    Andrew Mead

    Telkomsel Enterprise

    Senior Engineer

  4. Supply Chains Security for Telkomsel Enterprise as a Senior Security Engineer.
    Andrew Mead

    Telkomsel Enterprise

    Senior Security Engineer

  5. Telkomsel Cybersecurity Specialist and Cybersecurity Engineer.
    Andrew Mead


    Security Engineer

  6. My experience as a Senior Security Engineer are expected to Documentation, resolve technical faults and allocate resources.
    Brian Hirsh

    Telkomsel Orbit

    Senior Security Engineer

  7. Security (Software) Engineer.
    Val Head


    Security Engineer

  8. Design and Marketing for Product Advertising in 3D and Graphics.
    Val Head


    Marketing and Communications

  9. Being a Cybecurity tester division on McDonald's order Machines.
    Adam Argalye


    Security Consultant

  10. Being an Advanced in Program Machine Deployment. Including the Processes of output Learning.
    Adam Argalye


    Senior Security Analyst

  11. Contributor at HackTheBox Academy.
    Val Head



  12. -
    Val Head

    Everyday Astronaut


  13. Cybersecurity analyst and Security Consultant.
    Gary Simon


    Security Consultant

  14. Security Forensics and Researcher for CREST Approval.
    Adam Argalye


    Security Forensics

  15. Form of the Application Consultant and Analyst.
    Adam Argalye

    My Singtel

    Fullstack Consultant

  16. Cybersecurity Specialist for Singtel.
    Adam Argalye

    Singtel Enterprise

    Security Specialist

  17. Learning Management System or LMS Security Checking and Consultant.
    Val Head


    Senior Consultant

  18. Product and Project Manager. Focused on Mobile Application and WebApp Development.
    Adam Argalye


    Product and Project Manager

  19. Senior Cybersecurity Engineer and Assessor.
    Adam Argalye


    Senior Cybersecurity Engineer

  20. Pagani Web Cybersecurity Consultant and Assessor.
    Val Head



  21. Contributing on Offensive Security.
    Val Head

    Offensive Security


  22. Part of Cloud Security Engineer and Development of the Azure SDK for .NET.
    Adam Argalye

    Microsoft Azure

    Cloud Engineer

  23. My Experience in Code bases review. Program and product Reverse modding for SUPERCELL.
    Adam Argalye


    Security Consultant

  24. Part of the Cybersecurity.
    Adam Argalye

    National Security Agency


  25. Cyber Security Specialist.
    Adam Argalye

    National Security Agency

    Security Specialist

  26. Being part of Security Analyst. Perform a Bug Bounty Hunter and App Misconfigurations Hunting.
    Adam Argalye


    Senior Bounty Hunter

  27. Part of Bug and Misconfigurations Bounty Hunting program.
    Adam Argalye


    Security Community

  28. My experience as Offensive Security Operator.
    Val Head


    Security Operator

  29. Senior Offensive Engineer. Mostly Security Tester.
    Val Head

    Zenex Technology

    Senior Offensive Engineer

  30. Telkomsel Enterprise Team Reunion
    Val Head

    Telkomsel Enterprise


  31. Strategic Marketing and Communications Division and Researcher.
    Val Head


    Strategic Marketing Communications and Researcher

  32. Part of Microsoft Azure AI Artificial intelligence System and Resource Engineer.
    Val Head

    Microsoft Azure AI


  33. -
    Val Head



Security Escalation





DBS Bank




Environments Tester Specialist

Security Environment Penetration Testing

Senior Red Team Operator, Specialist, and Leader to Create a member of a group that Simulates an Attacks on a Clients systems to test Security measures.

Kerberos Attacks

Environments Expert Kerberos Attacks

Compromising Systems and Gain an Authenticate and access services on a Potentially insecure Networks. It presents us with a significant Attacks surface when assessing internal Networks.

Kerberos Attacks

Mapping Environment with BlackMarlinExec

Attack Paths Management. BlackMarlinExec Uses graph and analysis theory to reveal the hidden and unintended relationships within an Active Directory and Active Environment.

My Contribution

  1. Updating SharpHound and BARK to targeting .Net 4.6.2 and more. SharpHound and BARK must be run from the context of a domain user such as RUNAS.
    Rich Harris


    Collectors Update

  2. AzureHound Kit, Exporter for BloodHound. To make The BloodHound data collector for Microsoft Azure as the same as Active Directory using Golang.
    Rich Harris


    Azure Cloud Attacks

  3. BloodHoundAD and BloodHound Enterprise Organization leader at Behance.
    Rich Harris


    Organization Leader

  4. Contribute to John the Ripper to understand hash format from .PDF, .ZIP, and .docx locked file.
    Andrew Mead


    John CLI Update

  5. Contribute to swot. Merging PR's for updating processes to Identify email addresses or domains names that belong to colleges or universities.
    Brian Hirsh


    Open Source swot

  6. Updating Dictionary algorithm to supporting more than five modes of attack for over 300 highly Optimized hashing algorithms.
    Andrew Mead


    Password Recovery

  7. Metasploit Framework and Metasploit Payloads Update.
    Brian Hirsh


    Metasploit Framework

  8. Microsoft Machine Learning Tools Update on ONNX Runtime, a Cross platform, high performance ML inferencing and training Accelerator.
    Andrew Mead


    ONNX Runtime

  9. Microsoft Azure, New wave of packages that we are announcing as GA and several that are currently releasing in preview.
    Andrew Mead

    Microsoft Azure

    Azure SDK for .NET

  10. The project was to Contribute to the repository. Synchronize database schemas from Azure Data Explorer.
    Brian Hirsh

    GitHub Enterprise

    Azure Kusto

  11. Web CGI scanner for Security Checking, Updated to check CSV and SQL format Database much faster, Nikto Attack.
    Brian Hirsh


    HTTP Attack Update

  12. Updating NetHunter for Android client to access the Kali NetHunter App Store (Rootless). For rooted devices that have a Custom recovery Lite version.
    Andrew Mead

    Net Hunter

    Android 14 Execution

  13. Releasing Tool for Kali Linux Distro. BlackMarlinExec was release on the latest Kali Version 2024.3 Enjoy!.
    Brian Hirsh

    Kali Linux

    Software Tool Release

  14. Excellent performance for write intensive workloads. Users interact with the database using API language binding.
    Brian Hirsh


    FoundationDB Update

  15. Merging Python script for Bind Execution, Automatic injection, and database takeover.
    Andrew Mead

    SQLMap Project

    Database Takeover

  16. Contributing on Advanced Java Framework tool, Ghidra the Reverse Engineering tool.
    Brian Hirsh

    National Security Agency

    Ghidra SRE Tool

  17. Contributing on BloodHound Community Edition. Deploys in a traditional multi tier Container Architecture consisting of Databases, Application, and UI Layers.
    Andrew Mead


    BloodHound Enterprise

  18. Contribute to BloodHound Enterprise Edition, Deobfuscating Neo4J Graph Database.
    Brian Hirsh


    BloodHound Enterprise

CREST's Security Ambassador

Master Authentication Kerberos Attacks

Just suggest to People who want to take CREST Exams to Learn a large Amount of Authentication, or Deeper into three party Authentication, and Systems Authorizations like Kerberos.

Kerberos Attacks

CREST CCT APP Exam Preparation

Contribute to CREST's CCT APP exam. The following CCT APP syllabus areas ID's are covered: A1, A2, A3, A4, A5, B1, B4, B5, B6, B8, B9, B13, B14, C1, C2, C3, C4, D1, D2, E1, E2, E3, E4, E5, E9, F1, F2, F3, F4.

Kerberos Attacks

CREST CPSA and CRT Exam Preparation

Contribute to CREST's CPSA and CRT exams. The following CPSA and CRT syllabus areas ID's are covered: A1, A2, A3, A4, A5, B1, B4, B5, B6, B8, B9, B13, B14, C1, C2, C3, C4, D1, D2, E1, E2, E3, E4, E5, E9, F1, F2, F3, F4.

Kerberos Attacks

CREST CCT INF Exam Preparation

Contribute to CREST's CCT INF exam. The following CCT INF syllabus areas ID's are covered: A1, A2, A3, A4, A5, A8, A9, A10, B1, B2, B4, B5, C1, C2, C3, C4, C6, C7, D1, D2, D5, D9, D10, D13, D14, D15, D18, D19.

Kerberos Attacks

Advanced Attacks Protected WIFI (WPS)

Know about Networking and intricacies of WPS. Their common Vulnerabilities that plague this technology. From Bruteforce Attacks to more sophisticated Exploitation.

Kerberos Attacks

Senior Tenet of Penetration Testing

To move into more Advanced Binary Exploitation, we must have a firm grasp on basic buffer overflow attacks, principles such as CPU architecture, and CPU registers for 32 bit Windows and Linux systems.

Kerberos Attacks

WIX and WordPress Web Domain Attacks

Use XSHM to identify WordPress websites running on Internal Networks and behind firewalls and also launch a login Bruteforce Attacks on them.

HackTheBox Academy Assessor's

  1. Outside the Box Thinking and Vulnerability Chaining Assessor.
    Andrew Mead

    Penetration Testing


  2. Information Gathering and reconnaissance techniques Update.
    Rich Harris

    Penetration Testing


  3. Contribute to Commercial grade Report Requirement.
    Rich Harris

    Penetration Testing

    Advanced and Specialist

  4. Continuous Evaluation and think Outside the Box.
    Andrew Mead

    Bug Bounty Hunter

    Advanced and Specialist

  5. Outside the box Thinking and Vulnerability Chaining.
    Rich Harris

    Bug Bounty Hunter

    Advanced and Specialist

  6. Making sure that CWEE was Capable of Real Hands-on and Real world Web Exam Environment.
    Rich Harris

    Web Exploitation

    Expert and Specialist

Offensive Security's Ambassador

  1. Cryptography and Low Level Programming C Skill Path Lab's Assessor.
    Andrew Mead

    Offensive Security

    Cryptography Path

  2. Part of PEN-300 : Lab Assessor for Advanced Evasion Techniques and Breaching Defenses.
    Rich Harris

    Offensive Security

    Experienced Penetration Tester

  3. PEN-200 (PWK) and Active Directory Preparator for OSCP+.
    Rich Harris

    Offensive Security

    Certified Professional

  4. Part of foundations of Cybersecurity Defense.
    Rich Harris

    Offensive Security

    Defense Analyst

  5. Web Assessor OSWA.
    Rich Harris

    Offensive Security

    Websites Assessor

  6. Kerneling Operating System defenses.
    Brian Hirsh

    Offensive Security

    MacOS Researcher

Hackers Conference

Conference Exec at BlackHat & DEFCON

The best known Hackers conference on earth. It's also one of the largest and longest running underground Hacker conference. Me personally never went to BlackHat or DEF CON live Conference.

However, some of my Projects and Repositories were being presented on DEF CON 2024 such as PasswordCracker and Ronin the Shogun.

MacBook Pro

PasswordCracker Presentation

A short Presentation of how My repo PasswordCracker can be used for Cracking Logon page on Microsoft Outlook Mail using Dictionary Attacks and Brute Force method.

Ronin the Shogun Presentation

Ronin the Shogun testing, for Automatic XSS and CSRF attacks on Web Service Machines at DEF CON. With rich JavaScript Payloads on it's library, this one was a Success.

Hydra Enterprise Preparation

CorpHydra Project in Progress. This project was Aim to do Penetration Testing for any Logon or Credential page, Cracking at Enterprise level.

Cyber Operations : Standalone Attacks

The bare Minimum Knowledges to Perform a Professional Penetration Tester Alone. Attacking Windows and Linux targets, Active Directory penetration testing, Web Penetration testing, and Exploitation.


Blind Injection Shot Injectionmap_v2

Preparation for Releasing Injectionmap_v2, the Automatic Injection attacks. Blind SQL, NoSQL, SQL, Blind GQL, GQL, Command, and much More.


Intermediate Cyber Offensive : Execute

Become a high level Cyber Security professional who uses their skills and knowledge in Ethical Hacking to identify vulnerabilities and weaknesses in Computer Systems, Networks, and, Website, more.


Active Directory Expert Tester

Senior technical competency in Active Directory and Windows penetration testing, understanding complex Attack Paths, and employing Advanced techniques to Exploit them.


Zero Click Exploit iOS Jailbreak Execution

This year me and my Offensive Cyber team Gangsta Crew releasing our most Best Selling product, Introducing CarpaAlko Enterprise iOS Surveillance.


Active Directory BloodHound

Just want to Congrats BloodHound to make it into Enterprise level, Thanks to SpecterOps.

Attack Paths cannot be patched through traditional methods because they are Misconfigurations.

Kerberos Attacks

Network Traffic 909 : Wireshark Enterprise

Wireshark is a Network Traffic Analyzer, or "sniffer", for Linux, MacOS, BSD, and other Unix and Linux operating systems and for Windows. It uses Qt, a graphical user interface library, and libpcap and npcap as Capture.

Kerberos Attacks

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Contact Me

Hello! My name is Sulaiman, I go by byt3n33dl3 on the Intertubes.

I'm the author of a number of Open Source Offensive Security tools such as BlackMarlinExec, PasswordCracker, CrackMacExpo, Ronin the Shogun, Injectionmap_v2 and many more which you can find on my Github Profile.

As a Penetration Tester specializing in Web Applications, Mobile App security, Operating Systems, Networks, Online Services, and Active Directory. I have a proven track record of conducting tests for high profile clients.

I'm also doing a physical Penetration Testing on a Corporate or any Industry, Security system, and else.

If you want to chat with me casually, just join our Open Source Organization GangstaCrew, Sharks Attacks.

Thanks to:
Telkomsel and HackTheBox

Syed Mohsin